
Quantum Fire Safety

Fire & explosion safety

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Safety is Wärtsilä's number one priority

Energy storage solutions built with safety at the forefront

With a fundamental commitment to safety, Wärtsilä is proud to hold an unparalleled safety record for our Quantum energy storage system (ESS). Our design and approach to safety is comprehensive and aimed at de-risking the financing, installation, and operation throughout the project lifecycle—providing high value and lower total cost of ownership.

Wärtsilä is an active member and partner of organisations across the energy storage industry, aimed at educating and advancing best practices in fire safety and emergency response.


Fire & Explosion Safety

Wärtsilä Energy Storage & Optimisation's No.1 commitment is ensuring that our energy storage solutions are built with safety at the forefront.

Safety first: prioritising fire safety

Quantum is compliant with the 2023 revision of NFPA 855, NFPA 69, UL 9540 and UL 9540A requirements.

Meeting and exceeding standards

Quantum is compliant with the 2023 revision of NFPA 855, NFPA 69, UL 9540 and UL 9540A requirements.

Two large-scale fire tests showing no propagation from unit-to-unit.

Large-scale testing

Two large-scale fire tests showing no propagation from unit-to-unit.

Advanced (addressable) fire detection and alarm systems.

Fire detection and alarm system

Advanced (addressable) fire detection and alarm systems.

Industry-leading permitting package and support.

Permitting package

Industry-leading permitting package and support.

Extensive R&D and product testing to further enhance our knowledge and improve product performance.

Comprehensive R&D

Extensive R&D and product testing to further enhance our knowledge and improve product performance.

Prioritising education of customers, first responders, and communities.

Educating stakeholders

Prioritising education of customers, first responders, and communities.

Industry-leading permitting package

Hazard Mitigation Analysis

Completed by a third-party specialty fire and risk engineering firm. Quantum meets the Hazard Mitigation Analysis criteria as outlined in relevant local and international fire codes.

Emergency response

Generic template easily made site-specific. Virtual and in-person training available.

Fire risk assessment

Smoke and toxic gas modelling in addition to other site-specific risks.

Fire safety video series, ep 1

Designing safe energy storage systems

Hear our Fire Safety Engineer Mishaal SyedNaveed discuss how to ensure energy storage projects are as safe as possible with Fire & Risk Alliance, LLC's Managing Partner Noah Ryder, PhD, P.E., MBA.


CleanTech Talk: Meeting & Exceeding Energy Storage Fire Safety Testing Requirements

Our experts Chris Groves and Mishaal SyedNaveed discuss baseline fire testing requirements and the importance of exceeding them.


CleanTech Talk: How Better Testing Can Stop Grid-Scale Battery Fires

How better testing can stop grid-scale battery fires featuring our Fire Protection Engineer and our partner Fire & Risk Alliance, LLC

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Wärtsilä’s bespoke testing is the ideal way to demonstrate that a fire will not propagate between ESS enclosures or from string to string. This outcome illustrates that with minimal or no response from the fire service or other responders, a fully-involved fire is unlikely to spread beyond the initiating unit.

Education: addressing the gaps between manufacturers and code compliance

Wärtsilä is at the forefront of collaborating with stakeholders knowledgeable in fire science and safety at the product design level to address customer and Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) concerns.

Addressing fire safety concerns

Wärtsilä is at the forefront of collaborating with stakeholders knowledgeable in fire science and safety at the product design level to address customer and Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) concerns.

We provide our customers with a Site Design Guide, Hazard Mitigation Analysis (HMA), Community Risk Assessment (CRA), and Emergency Response Plan (ERP).

Permitting support

We provide our customers with a Site Design Guide, Hazard Mitigation Analysis (HMA), Community Risk Assessment (CRA), and Emergency Response Plan (ERP).

We consult with a fire safety-first mindset, regardless of project scope, contract, and independent of where the project site lives.

Safety first no matter project scope

We consult with a fire safety-first mindset, regardless of project scope, contract, and independent of where the project site lives.

We take a project-specific approach to fire safety, factoring in site layout, human and environmental conditions.

Adapting to different needs

We take a project-specific approach to fire safety, factoring in site layout, human and environmental conditions.

We encourage early and frequent discussions with AHJs.

Frequent discussions with AHJs

We encourage early and frequent discussions with AHJs.

Partners: research, memberships, testimonials

Wärtsilä is a member of the UL 9540 standard, which covers both UL 9540 and UL 9540A + a member of task group reviewing containerised system testing for UL 9540A.

UL 9540 standard

Wärtsilä is a member of the UL 9540 standard, which covers both UL 9540 and UL 9540A + a member of task group reviewing containerised system testing for UL 9540A.

Wärtsilä actively participating in NFPA 855 task groups and public commenting.

NFPA 855 task groups

Wärtsilä actively participating in NFPA 855 task groups and public commenting.

Wärtsilä has Fire Protection Engineers 
on staff and is participating in global conferences and education sessions on ESS fire safety and testing.

Specialised personnel

Wärtsilä has Fire Protection Engineers on staff and is participating in global conferences and education sessions on ESS fire safety and testing.

Wärtsilä is a member of NFPA’s Energy Storage Research Consortium (“ESRC”) to support industry-relevant fire protection issues and identify 
related research needs that could be 
met through research projects.

Energy Storage Research Consortium

Wärtsilä is a member of NFPA’s Energy Storage Research Consortium (“ESRC”) to support industry-relevant fire protection issues and identify related research needs that could be met through research projects.

Wärtsilä is participating in a standard committee for C800: testing protocol for Energy Storage System Reliability and Quality Assurance Program.

Standard committee: C800

Wärtsilä is participating in a standard committee for C800: testing protocol for Energy Storage System Reliability and Quality Assurance Program.

Wärtsilä is participating in a standard committee for C22.2 no. 350: test method for safety and performance of thermal barriers for use in batteries and battery-based energy storage systems.

Standard committee: C22.2 no. 350

Wärtsilä is participating in a standard committee for C22.2 no. 350: test method for safety and performance of thermal barriers for use in batteries and battery-based energy storage systems.